The music industry can be so fascinating and anyone who wants to be part of it may think it easy to make it. Some may attribute their success to hard work, some may give the credits to prayer and some people may think that is based purely on luck. There are very many artists who are not famous and not wealthy at the same time. For every guy who have made in the music industry, it was not all a bed of roses. They have gone through so many flops than anyone would have imagined. The majority of artists does not just wake up and find them famous. Many people still fail at music even after showing signs of being the next big thing. But one thing is that an artist should stay optimistic to finding success in their musical journey. This is why we will look in the various ways an artist can choose to live and become successful in music.

  1. Being optimistic at all times

This could be possibly the most important survival tool that every artist needs to have. When you have unshakable optimism, you get to be resistance against every form of neglect you would feel. Your patience will always be tested and you may even feel like giving up. One way to survive this is by taking things as they are, do not take anything personally. The bar to making it to the music industry is set so high and you need enough mental strength to survive that. Every year, more than eighty thousand albums are made and billboard will only post two hundred of them. That is a small percentage that you should not use to measure your success.

  1. Always be excellent

This does not only apply to music, but in everything else that you do. This mostly starts with the type of music have been listening to. In many ways the society has tried to convince people that being mediocre is normal and that has lowered people’s expectations. This is very unacceptable and you need to believe that excellence is in your fingertips. This needs to be understood and observed at all times. Take lessons from musical teachers who know so much about music and also study trends from well established artists. Always try to listen to everything and see the beauty of music.

  1. Do not take advice from any other person

Sometimes when you are building something for yourself, many people will be watching you. In the process, you are likely to get people from all over trying to give advice on what you need to do. You will get advice from people who are not involved in your field in any way; you will also be approached by people who have not been successful in music for a very long time. This is very natural for human being. One thing you need to consider is that the best advice you need is from people who have tried and failed.

  1. Create a strong professional group

Having family and friends that care for you is very crucial. But often, they give biased opinion when it comes to matters about your music. When you surround yourself with music professionals, you are sure that you will get more constructive guidelines and they can help you set more achievable goals. You therefor have to filter out what kind of advices you take from people. Even though they fully support you, be keen on rethinking before putting their suggestions into work.

  1. Understand that you will not get famous overnight

In every business or activity, the path to success is never straight and easy. Before an artist’s fully gets recognized in the mainstream media, they always have a story to tell about the process and journey of how it happened. Unfortunately, not many of your fans will get to see the other side of your music life. Most of the people will always think that you woke up one day, did a song and got famous on the instant. Do not allow the hardships you face bring you down. It is part of the process.

  1. Understand the best revenue streams

There are three main revenue makers for any artist in the music industry. These include touring, branding and publishing. Such revenue streams involve a wide range of sub-topics but it is equally important to understand how you can maximize on the revenue sources and make something out of it. The number of festival being held has increased and many people attend live concerts. This therefore means that when you go for a tour, your fans will show up in large numbers and promoters will find it convenient to build your brand

  1. Get your brand incorporated

In the beginning, you are likely to get pennies in the music industry. So it means that you need to pay attention to the amount of money coming in and the amount of money going out. By getting incorporated, you are eligible for tax breaks and you can reorganize your cash flow and expenditure. This can also help you in your financial growth as an individual. It is not as hard as you think; with the right guidance you can manage it.

  1. Learn about music production

We are in a time where having big recording studios do not cut it. If you learn to produce your own music, you have a higher chance of being successful. This does not only make you knowledgeable in the music craft, it gives you authenticity with your personal sound. Even though it is helpful, it is a learning process that will take some time and money to succeed. If you are passionate about what you do, this will be great.

  1. Get your works registered

If you are making your own music, then you need to get educated on the performing rights societies and the methods they can use to collect revenue from you. There are bodies purposefully created to collect revenues and you should not go against that. They monitor everything you do and they will always be coming to collect their share

  1. Stay on the course

You must do your best to ensure that you do not veer off from your goals in the music industry. Have faith that eventually, all that you are doing will bring some fruits. This even works for artists who have already had a taste of success in the music industry. An artist has to define their path as they progress and you need to stick to your beliefs.


Success never comes easy and sometimes the pressure can be too much and you might get tempted to quit. Ensure that the younger person in you who wanted to be a star does not stay miserable because you gave up. Do all the things mentioned above and you will be setting up yourself for great things. It gets better along the way.