
Music is an environmental factor that affects the human body and causes it to react in a certain way. Most people under this influence understand, first of all, a change of mood. Some music makes you sad, and some music makes you happy. Music can awaken different emotions in us, add energy, and even inspire us to do new things. This is the accompaniment of the most important events! 

Genres that boost productivity

  1. Classical music. The latest data show that classical music has a positive effect on our intellectual activity and stimulates the brain to work. Music has been proven to help us make quicker decisions, increase productivity and even IQ levels, especially upbeat classical music. 
  2. Pop Music. This genre can cheer you up, especially if you like new releases from the world of pop. Cleaning, packing, gardening, and much more will pass unnoticed, especially with your favorite energetic music. 
  3. Relaxing music. Yes, it may sound strange to many people, but just relaxing for 10-15 minutes can give you a second wind and a boost of energy. A short interval rest is the best way to regain power… And relaxing music is the best way to do that. 

Music to motivate you

Any motivational song can provoke the release of positive emotions. The main task of such music is to make you as productive as possible. Scientists have found out that thanks to your favorite music with rhythmic motifs and light tunes, you will work two or even three times faster! 

By the way, most modern performers today create motivational tracks – if you haven’t heard, plenty of performers make songs about working out, future results, performance, and more that can affect your mood. Listening to these songs, you immediately want to get up off the couch and make your life a little bit better. Separate collections of such songs exist on each website, we recommend you check them out! 

Individual preferences

A person’s musical tastes, personality traits, and habits also matter. For example, if you play an unfamiliar song while working, you are more likely to be distracted by it. Your brain will want to explore the unknown and start concentrating on the new beats and melody.

Speaking of personality types, introverts are more distracted if there is music playing in the background. Extroverts, on the other hand, increase their performance. Creativity is also an important factor. If you are a creative person, it is likely that the background melody will benefit your work. 

Music and study

If you want to increase your productivity with music, you should consider all the factors and consciously form a playlist. Before you sit down to study, listen to your favorite song, which always lifts your spirits and gives you a burst of energy. By the way, a great tip is to always listen to the same song before you start studying. 

Gradually, the song will become a trigger, and you will develop a habit. It will be easier to start studying. The right music can help increase your motivation. Gradually move from slower songs to faster ones. As a background, most people often choose classical or electro.

The Golden Silence

If the task assigned to you requires extreme concentration and attention, it may be worth preferring silence. Many of us underestimate the deep state of environmental calm and choose music, but scientists recommend paying attention to white noise, the noise of the sea, rain, hairdryers, and many other similar options. Such accompaniment is ideal for painstaking work that requires assiduity and concentration. Since listening to music with words in the brain activates the center of auditory perception of speech, a person will need twice as much time to perform other mental work. 


Music is considered one of humanity’s greatest achievements, but can it have any effect on the creative process?

Since most work today is done by computer, music is not a bad way to diversify routine activities. If you are used to working with music, you might want to avoid music that is loud or barely audible. That is, in certain situations, death metal or punk rock might encourage you to be active, but for painstaking work that requires diligence and time, such accompaniment is unlikely to be suitable.

 In the gym, this kind of groovy music is very useful, but when performing complex mental tasks, the lyrics have a detrimental effect on attention and concentration. Each of us has different preferences; after all, some listen to Vivaldi and some work exclusively in silence. But our lives are absolutely impossible without music. It’s everywhere — in the shopping mall, in the car, on the computer, in the cinema, and in every corner of our lives. Loving music works better than pills, it was proven by scientists long ago. Together with music, we experience different moments of our lives, from love and suffering to incredible moments of happiness.