When making music, each of us must occasionally encounter fading inspiration. This can happen to an entire musical group or to an individual artist. In this article, we’ll give an example of a few ways to get your inspiration back.

There are two types of creativity – creative problem-solving and creative creativity. Creative problem-solving is usually associated with a certain level of stress, as it is often caused by deadline constraints (deadlines). Creative creativity also has its own deadlines (especially for those who write music for movies, for example), but topically more time is allocated to the realization of such ideas.

It’s All About the True Essence

The aspiring producer must learn to categorize different levels of beauty or intensity at his or her objective level.

The key is to really be able to see the “magic,” to know and understand what it looks like.

We use the term “magic” to refer to the sensations that arise from listening to music and/or using musical equipment. This can include beauty, intensity, massiveness, chaos, sincerity, love, drive, and so on.

The challenge is to develop your own radar for finding the magic. Try to fully immerse yourself in this world, to become a master of subtle matter, to develop a kind of hierarchy of different magic, that is, you have to learn to classify the magic that you feel.

What is the magic of music? Think about that. Start making a list of some examples of magic in music. In fact, you probably already have a pretty long list, but you just, haven’t given it much thought or attention yet.

Here are some examples:

  • A rhythm that gets you moving
  • A melody that touches your heart
  • A lyric that seems to accurately describe what’s going on in your life, especially one that gives you a new perspective or helps you get out of a vicious cycle of thought
  • Song excerpts that fit together in a way that creates more than just rhymes
  • A song that fits your mood perfectly
  • A singer who puts his heart and soul into the performance of his song
  • The perfect blend of simplicity and complexity that is not tiresome, but not too taxing either.
  • Interesting harmonies
  • A live performance or concert that obviously has a lot of experience, practice and talent behind it.

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As a producer, you get more and more into and learn about your own magic that music can create. It’s a lifelong process in which you learn to orchestrate the magic.

Pay particular attention to the little details that hook you into a particular piece of music. Some moments affect you this way, others that way; some are very deep, others are just cool; some are fun, others touch your heart; some have a short-term effect, others last a lifetime; some touch you and your friends, and so on.

It’s like seeing magic in a simple blade of grass and then seeing magic in a green field or in green mountains. They all have their beauty, but the intensity of their beauty is different. By having an understanding of the different levels of magic in your head, you can better judge what is worth highlighting in a song or piece of music.

Of course, magic varies from person to person, so you should strive not only to understand what touches you, but also to find what excites others. For example, whenever someone says they really like a song, pay attention to that and try to figure out exactly what impressed that person. Look for the magic that other people see.

Techniques to Help Unleash Your Creativity

Here are some techniques to help unleash your creativity and give it a boost. These techniques fall into three main categories:

  • Things that help you hear the silence within yourself
  • Things that touch you
  • Things that help you go beyond

Chief among the sources of inspiration and creativity is silence.

Meditation is known to increase creativity. Some say creativity is born when you let inspiration flow through you. If this is true, then silence is best for inspiration to come through. That’s not to say that inspiration can’t come in a noisy place amidst chaos, but silence often creates space for new ideas to come in.

Being happy and feeling good, and anything else that makes you feel good, will help you open up to the flow of creativity:

  • Nature. Communicating with nature and animals can help inspire creativity, especially places with active moving nature, such as a river or ocean.
  • Music. Frequently listening to music takes us to a place where new ideas are born. How to listen to music properly you will learn here.
  • Making love. And almost any act of positive interaction with another person can inspire you.
  • Physical activity. Increased endorphins create great soil for your mind.
  • Simple play. One of Webster’s definitions of “play” is “to move freely within a given framework.” Remember, for children, play is a way of learning about the world.
  • Laughter. Smiling opens a portal to the arrival of creativity.
  • Sleep. Not only does it help to systematically get a good night’s sleep, but seeing yourself sleep can inspire your creativity. And of course, don’t forget to take a nap during the day.
  • Stress and chaos. Anything that shocks you or takes you out of your normal state is a trigger for more creativity. Situations like this put you in a position to look at things from a new perspective. And often the way out of this situation is through inspiration.
  • Loss. A separation from a spouse or the death of a loved one can give creativity a chance to manifest. Even the loss of physical objects (such as a house or even keys) can unleash the flow of creativity.
  • Personal conflicts with others. Conflicts of any kind affect the flow of creativity.
  • Lack of sleep or other sensory deprivation. When you feel differently, it can give birth to new thoughts in your head.
  • Fear. Fear of entering into a relationship because your heart is broken, fear of breaking the world, fear of not being good enough or loved enough… . Almost every type of fear has been the subject of a song.
  • Any kind of trauma. Trauma as an incident, an experience that brought a person closer to death, can be an incredible source of inspiration.

We’re sure our ways will help you catch inspiration.